Popular authors whose books I’ve never read

I thought that today I’d talk about all the authors who are really popular in the book community whose books I’ve never read.


1. V.E Schwab


I love fantasy, so V.E Schwab’s books look right up my alley. The main reason I’ve never gotten to them is that I am unable to find them in any bookstores here in India, and they are pretty expensive online. I hope I get to them soon.


2. Leigh Bardugo


Leigh Bardugo is another immensely popular author whose books I’m yet to read. I really hope I’d get to her books soon.


3. Tahereh Mafi


The Shatter Me trilogy had been on my TBR for quite some time. Somehow, I never got to it, and I’m a bit in two minds about it as I’ve heard mixed things about it.

4. Alexandra Bracken


I’ve heard a lot of great things about Alexandra Bracken’s books. However, I’ve never gotten around to reading them.

5. Brandon Sanderson

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Brandon Sanderson is another immensely popular author whose books I’m yet to read. I am rather intimidated by them as they are so big and set in such vast worlds.

6. Adam Silvera

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I’ve recently heard a lot about Adam Silvera’s books from various booktubers, book bloggers etc. However, I’m yet to read any of them.

7. Colleen Hoover


Colleen Hoover is another author whom I’ve heard a lot about, but whose books I’m yet to read. The main reason I’ve not read them is that New Adult romance is not really my genre, but all the same, I am keen on trying them. I’ve heard rather mixed things about them, and I’m curious to know what my opinion would be about them.


So, that’s it. Do tell me which of these authors you think are Must Reads, and which of them I can afford to let wait.

5 thoughts on “Popular authors whose books I’ve never read

  1. I have also not read books from V.E Schwab, Alexandra Bracken and Adam Silvera. I do hope to soon though. I have no interest in Colleen Hoover’s books. From what I’ve seen and read about a lot of the relationships featured in her books they don’t sound very healthy.

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    1. I’m so relieved to know that I’m not the only one. And I’ve heard that about Colleen Hoover’s books as well. I thought I’d pick one up just to see for myself .

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      1. Personally, I think I’ve heard enough to know that I probably won’t like them. I thought about trying one out as well but when my close friends are echoing what I’ve seen online, I think I’ll pass.

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  2. I also haven’t read any Colleen Hoover or Brandon Sanderson. And I just not picked up a Leigh Bardugo book, so I’m right there with you. I hope you are able to read Schwab soon, she’s my favorite. I wish I could send them to you!

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