The Unpopular Opinions Book Tag

I have come across this book tag in so many of my favorite booktube channels! It was not an easy one to do, but anyways, here it is.


A popular book or series you didn’t like

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I know this is a super-unpopular opinion, but I did not really like Rick Riordan’s Heroes of Olympus series that much. I loved the Percy Jackson series, and I did like the first two parts of this series, but as the story progressed, I got kind of tired of it.


A book or a series everyone hates but you love.

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I’ve heard a lot of negative feedback about Dan Brown’s books, but I still love them.


A love triangle where the main character ends up with the person you didn’t want them to end up with.

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Another REALLY unpopular opinion! Not that I dislike Maxon, or think he’s not right for America, but I was secretly rooting for Aspen and America to end up together just because it would be unusual. The heroine rejecting the prince for a common working-class man would, in my opinion just add strength to the character. Also, while Aspen did have his flaws, I felt he was really sweet towards America, and loved her unconditionally. Also, I felt his romance with Lucy in the end felt rather forced to me.


A popular genre you rarely reach for

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Romance. There are a few romance books I have liked a lot, but it’s not really my genre.



A beloved popular character you didn’t like.

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Draco Malfoy from the Harry Potter series. I hear people saying that he wasn’t bad at heart, that it was his upbringing which led to his deeds…..but he was still a mean bully. He used to bully Neville for his weakness, he used to make fun of Ron for his lack of wealth, and he was a jerk even to his so-called friends Crabbe and Goyle.


A popular author you can’t seem to get into. 

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I’ve tried reading two of Gillian Flynn’s books- Gone girl and Dark places, but I found myself abandoning them in between. I don’t dislike her writing, and the storylines look interesting, but something about them just don’t go well with me.


Popular trope you’re tired of seeing

Love triangles. I’m so tired of love triangles.


Popular series you have no interest in reading.

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There’s nothing about L.J Smith’s Vampire diaries which makes me want to read it. Vampires and love triangles don’t really interest me that much, and I feel I have better things to read.


What movie do you like better than the book?

I am not much of a movie-watcher, so I haven’t really come across a movie that I liked better than the book.


So, these are my unpopular opinions. I hope they didn’t make you too angry. Peace.






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