Top Ten Tuesday: Back to School

The topic for today’s Top Ten Tuesday is is Back To School, and I am going to talk about the books I had to read for school.

In my school, from grades six through nine,every year we had to write one book review on one of the books recommended for us. Here are the books I had reviewed.

Sixth Grade


I don’t remember whether I enjoyed reading it or not. I had forgotten all about the assignment till a day before the due date, and so I got through it in a hurry.


Seventh Grade

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I don’t remember anything about this book either, other than the fact I sort of liked it.


Eighth Grade

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This book was an insight into tribal life in Nigeria, and the effects of colonialism. I remember liking it, but I am not sure I was able to completely appreciate it then, so I want to reread it.


Ninth Grade

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I have really mixed feelings about this one.


In addition, I had these two books as a part of the English syllabus in eleventh and twelfth grades respectively.

I don’t remember how I felt about these two books, as in school we were so focused on learning from the examination point of view, we could not really appreciate it. School sucked in that way.

So, that’s it. I know that’s only six books, but that was all I had to read for school. SO, yeah.


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