T5W: Top 5 books I am unlikely to be reading.

Top five Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Lainey@ Ginger reads Lainey and Sam@ Thoughts on Tomes.Today’s topic is top 10 books I won’t be am highly unlikely to be reading.


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I’ve heard a lot of cool stuff about the Vampire Academy series, but there are a lot of books, and I on’t think I’m willing to invest so much time reading those when there are cool new books coming out every day.

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I feel rather bad about this, as it looks like i’m not giving Richelle Med a chance at all. But I’ve heard too many uncool things about this book for me to want to read it.

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I don’t know anything about the Pretty Little Liars series, but when I looked it up, it looked interesting. However, like with VA, I don’t think I’m willing to go through SO MANY books.

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I love LGBT books, and I’d like to try some of David Levithan’s work, but Two Boys Kissing is a no-no for me, because I don’t like the premise. If I’m not wrong, it is about a 24 hour kiss marathon, and……I don’t know, different people have different ideas, and for me, the idea of kissing continuously for so long is weird. Like, won’t you get bored of kissing?

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I had watched JesseTheReader’s review of this book, and while he was mostly positive about it, it does not sound up my alley at all. So, yeah.

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